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My name is Chelsea Smalley, and I am a graphic designer in Los Angeles. 

Well, the truth is that I also work at Trader Joe's full time to make ends meet. My current dream job is to work full time as an in-house graphic designer. 

I am originally from Northern Virginia, and earned my Bachelor's degree in Horticulture from Virginia Tech.  I worked in pest management for a few years before deciding to switch it up and pursue Graphic Design. During my career in pest management, I worked at prominent places including Disney World and Longwood Gardens. 

Currently, I am studying Design Communication Arts at UCLA Extension and am enjoying every minute of it. Since 2020, I have been doing various freelance projects as a side hustle, such as poster design, logo design, artwork design and more. 

In my spare time I enjoy doing Drag King performances with my drag troup, MADAMN, going to National parks, and doing calisthenics.
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My name is Chelsea Smalley, and I am a graphic designer in Los Angeles. 

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